Discover a group of small Ecuadorian producers, who grow sustainable bananas, contributing to global health and environmental responsibility.
Our leaders are professional people, they have responsibility, security, empathy, optimism, honesty; qualities of make them worthy of being considered as a good leader.
Exercising their functions with responsibility and commitment, this leads them to successfully overcome challenges of commercial activity.
Thanks to their contribution, the association has productivity, internal competitiveness, work environment, clear, measurable and achievable objectives, benefits that help the organization to have an exceptional performance.
Member of Asoguabo since 2004, owner of a 6-hectare farm. of banana.
Treasurer of the organization period 2008-2010
President during the period 2013-2017
Ing. Cornelia Zoeteweij
Since December 1, 2001, he has been in Ecuador, first in Chimborazo for the Dutch Development Cooperation Service (SNV); since 2005 he was Manager of the Foreign Trade Unit; and, from 2013 to the present, she has the position of ADMINISTRATOR.
The heterogeneous banana panorama in Ecuador has led to the setting of an official price for the box of this fruit, causing discrepancies between producers and exporters.
In this sense, at the end of 1997, the “Association of Small Banana Producers El Guabo” (known as ASOGUABO) was formed in the canton of El Guabo, which has its origins in 1994, created as a project of the Regional Union of Peasant Organizations of the Coast “UROCAL” to improve the economic situation of small banana producers, which would have the participation of five pre-associations, 17 banana companies and the support of the inter-ecclesial foundation “Solidarity” of Holland with experience in fair trade and would be in charge of opening markets in Europe. In 1996, these producers formed an export company in which the actions of “Solidarity” were represented by the Dutch Service for Development Cooperation (SNV); however, the internal conflicts and the ravages caused by the El Niño phenomenon of 1997 would cause the departure of UROCAL, continuing the Association of Small Banana Producers El Guabo with the cooperation of the SNV in said productive enterprise. At the end of 1999, the partners decided to gradually withdraw from SNV to allow the autonomous growth of the Association.
In 2008, the Association of Small Banana Producers El Guabo (APPBG) is considered the world leader in the export of bananas in the fair trade market.
Functional Organization Chart